Método dts

We accompany you in the growth of your company.

We have developed a working method that we continuously improve to offer you the best results.

With over 10 years of experience, at dtscreativo, we have never stopped learning. Year after year, we have optimized and perfected our working method, always seeking the benefit and satisfaction of our clients. In this way, we have been able to enhance and expand our services, grow our team, and reach further.

After all these years, we have decided to dedicate part of our time to a period of observation, studying the needs of all our clients, analyzing the decisions made in each process, and reflecting on all the learning acquired through training and experience. This has allowed us to develop our own methodology.

We want to work better with you, which is why we have decided to put our entire work process on paper.

Welcome to the dts Method.

How do we apply the dts Method?

This methodology allows us to identify where you are in the process, what your needs are, and what solutions you require.

We begin a development journey in which we work hand in hand, point by point, on everything you need. Starting from the main blocks, we delve into the necessary parts, always following a logical order to execute with purpose.

The dts Method consists of 7 main areas:

00 Initial Contact

Whatever your project, this will always be an essential step. It’s the starting point because here we evaluate your company’s current situation, what has brought it to this point, and what the next steps will be. We connect with you and your company, assess your situation critically, and determine the best path for your project to take off.

01 Company

Every company, regardless of its size, is the result of many components working together, and whether they are more or less visible, all exert the same influence. Are all your gears well-oiled?

02 Customer

The client should be your focus. Do you know who to target? Do you know where they are? Are you present in their conversation? Conducting an in-depth study of your ideal client will increase the effectiveness of future actions. Focus your efforts, and your actions will gain strength and consideration. Shooting flies with a cannon is NOT a plan. Concentrate your efforts, and make a stronger impact.

03 Goal

Does your company have a primary objective? What are the steps that will help you achieve that big goal? To go further, you need to proceed gradually: in any process, it is more productive to take small steps that help achieve the long-term goal than to jump directly into the void.

04 Strategy

The strategy is probably the densest stage of all. However, we have a saying: plan and you will succeed. The strategy is supported by 4 fundamental pillars, which are broken down into smaller pieces. Competition-Products-Plan-Content. All of these must be effectively worked on to achieve the objectives established in the previous step.

05 Analysis and reports

Without a contextualized analysis of the results, it is impossible to study the impact of each action. Analytics should be part of the daily routine of every company, which is why it is a fundamental point in our methodology.

06 Automation

Through the dts Method, we aim to save time, and today there are countless tools that can help you. Get rid of the most methodical tasks by implementing automation processes: you’ll have time to perform the tasks that require more attention.

The sale is not the end; it is the consequence of good work. It is the result of applying a methodology to an established focus. At dtscreativo, we accompany, educate, train, and help you make decisions based on context, data, and your client.

The objective of this new methodology is to streamline the action process, optimizing time, productivity, and work quality to offer you an enhanced service. With this method, we put a pre-established order on the table, making all the steps clear and ensuring total transparency in our actions.

This methodology allows us to identify where you are in the process, what your needs are, and what solutions you require. We begin a development journey in which we work hand in hand, point by point, on everything important. By following the main blocks, we delve into the necessary parts, always following a logical order to execute with purpose.